

By accessing the deluxhost.net website, you agree to be bound by all our policies, all applicable laws and regulations, and agree that you are responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing this site. The materials contained on this website are protected by applicable copyright and trademark laws. A violation of any term will result in the immediate termination of your account and the right to use our service without any refund.

DELUXHOST Fair Use Policy

At DeluxHost, we are committed to providing the best experience for our customers. This Fair Use Policy is designed to ensure that all users have fair and reliable access to our network services.

1. Purpose and Scope

Our primary service goal is the hosting of game servers. This Fair Use Policy sets out the acceptable use of our network resources, ensuring that the needs and requirements of our gaming clientele are met while preventing any potential abuse.

2. Game Server Usage

Customers are authorized to use the network without restrictions for any normal game server operations. This includes data transfer related to gameplay, updates, and any related activities essential to the operation and maintenance of a game server hosted on a DeluxHost VPS, virtual dedicated server, or bare-metal dedicated server.

3. Network Usage Restrictions

a. Proxy, VPN, and Tunneling: Customers may configure proxies, VPNs, or tunneling services on their servers but are subject to a monthly data transfer limit of 20TB. Exceeding this limit may result in temporary throttling, additional charges, or service suspension if deemed high-risk.

b. Media Streaming Services: Hosting media streaming services on our network is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, video streaming, music streaming, and live broadcast platforms.

c. Speed Test Servers: The use of our network resources to host speed test servers or similar bandwidth measurement tools is prohibited.

4. Monitoring and Enforcement

We actively monitor network traffic to ensure compliance with this Fair Use Policy. Customers who violate this policy may receive a warning, experience temporary throttling of network speeds, or, in severe cases, account suspension. We prioritize open communication and commit to contacting any customer found in violation of this policy before taking action.

5. Questions and Clarifications

If you have concerns about any activity or usage, please contact our support team. We are here to help, and our goal is to ensure that every customer has the necessary resources while maintaining the integrity and performance of our network.

6. Policy Review

DeluxHost reserves the right to periodically review and modify this Fair Use Policy to adapt to evolving technologies, challenges, and customer needs. Customers will be notified of any significant changes.

Last updated: 08/11/2024